Welcome to Concordia Center for Spiritual Living


Welcome Home! Wherever you are on your
spiritual path you are welcome here!

Our community is dedicated to the unfoldment of your inner purpose. Our classes, music, messages and service opportunities are all designed to support the unfoldment of your spiritual path. Please let us know what we can do to further assist your journey.

Join us Sunday, May 19th with Rev. Mark Anthony Lord - Healing Through the Power of Forgiveness
MAL May 19th

Rev. Mark Anthony Lord, CSL ordained minister, is a versatile and accomplished spiritual leader who began his spiritual path in what he calls the dark, back alleys of life, which landed him in a 12-step treatment center when he was 24 years old. He left there thirty days later dedicated to discovering a new God and forgiving everything and everyone, even though he had no clue how to do that. This intention produced what he describes as the most fantastic miracle in his life to date – a complete healing of traumatic sexual abuse through the power of forgiveness.

In 2003 he founded the Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago, which grew from a handful of members to thousands under his leadership. In 2020 he co-founded Living the Course, a virtual, global, Course In Miracles community that, in its short four years, has served over 800 students.

His most recent signature program in development, The 7 Gates to God, brings together his lifetime of healing work in service to helping people awaken to our natural state of heaven within.

You may join us each week in-person or online via
Facebook Live for our Sunday Celebration Services at
10am – 11:15am

We are located at 292 West Shore Rd, Warwick, RI, 02889.
(Past Hoxie Four Corners, 1/4 mile, just east of the blinking light.)

Our MISSION is to provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation.

Our PURPOSE is to awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence.

Our VISION is a world that works for everyone.